What Keeps You from Getting Connected?
Connecting with Nature
Our monthly public education focuses on removing the barriers that limit residents and/or their families from connecting with nature in our region.
We meet the second Thursday of every month from 7p-8:30p
October-April Join us at the West Milford Library, 1470 Union Valley Road, West Milford on the second floor.
Wallisch Homestead
Hands On Learning in the Garden.
May-September - Watch this spot for outdoor locations!
2024 Upcoming Education
Fall Education is at the WM Library 7—9pm 2nd Floor - FREE
DECEMBER 12th 7-9pm
December 12: Join us on Thursday, December 12th for fun, festivities, crafts, games and more. This like minded community has so much fun together as we gather, share stories, potluck food, and holiday wishes, so come be part of it this year!
credit: Pixelbay
As part of the celebration, attendees can work on and be inspired by building pollinator houses together! Bring your curiosity - and your glasses - and let's see what we can create together.
Potential Design
We’ll have games to play, music to enjoy, and we invite you to bring something to eat/drink and share with others. Not sure what to bring? Reply to this email and we can figure it out together.
2024 Past Sessions
January 25 : Seed Swap – 15 of us gathered to share organic seeds that we saved this year to swap and share with others. Many of us had seeds in packages from the prior year, and a few experienced gardeners shared the seeds they had saved from their own successful crops last year. You can learn more about how to save your seeds by downloading this seed saving guide from AJA.
February 8: Wild Gardening; Transition Away From a Lawn. 16 of us gathered together to learn from John Harrison and our Master Gardner Karen Longo who have transformed their lawn into Wild Gardens. It isn’t hard to do, and it is so much more beneficial for both humans and wildlife. John and Karen also shared seeds with the group to start their own Wild Garden at home!!! Check out their presentation on how to get started here.
March 14th: Organic Gardening + Community Garden Sign Up Night . 50 of us came together to learn about the 2 organic community gardens, how they work and why they work. We have a few younger people joining the gardens this year, and new locals are getting involved in both our local Ample Harvest + Culinary Herb garden at Wallisch Homestead. Lastly, our own Jim Segal taught us how to grow our own sweet potatoes! Check out his presentation here.
April 11: Cannabis for Health! with Pharmacist Rachel Lyons & Budtender/Grower Nicole from Jersey Roots - 25 of us came together to Learn how nature can be the best medicine for our bodies. Many times, it can be help regardless of other medications you may be taking. Check out the their presentation here
May 9: Foraging for Arts & Crafting with Tara Spear
15 of us came together and learned how to create what we need the way our ancestors did - before we had electricity. Paper, inks, paints, and other beautiful crafts can be made from what we sustainably forage. Check out her presentation here.
May 20 - Foraging Field Trip with Tara Spear
After a wonderful hike to identify and select items to use for our arts and crafting, Tara helped us to make our own natural art journal, make paper from iris leaves and inks from berries and use them all to make beautiful art. Here is a link to some images from the trip!
July 11 - Natural Pest Control - Hands On Garden Series Session 1 - with Courtney Sands
This hands-on garden experience encouraged participants to learn about what bugs are helpful and which ones a problem in our organic garden. Courtney shared companion planting approaches as well as natural pest control recipes we can make at home. Everyone left with a kit that included organic dill seeds, garlic spray and orange peel spray with directions to make our own. Check out the pictures here.
August 8 - Planting Your Fall Garden - Hands On Garden Series 2 - with Jim Segal
Many crops that grow in the spring will also grow in the fall if you get them in the ground at the right time and in the right way. Participants learned what to plant, when to do it. They learned best practices and applied science as part of this in-garden hands-on workshop to extend the growing season together at the West Milford Organic Community Garden. Click here for the planting guide/chart.
September 12 -Seed Saving Your Seeds - Hands On Garden Series 3 - with Jean Savage
When you get that perfect eggplant, tomato or pepper, you just can’t replicate it, unless you save and use the seeds from those wonderful plants. Participants learned how to save, preserve and use their own seeds - the entire process from harvesting to saving to planting them the following season. Click here for a link on how to save your tomato seeds. Be sure to use the best fruit for your seeds!
November 14th - Moon Cycles How They Affect our Bodies, our Minds, and Our Food.
Just like the ocean tides are affected by the gravitational pull of the moon, so are all plants and animals - us humans included. By working with the cycles of the moon we can better understand ourselves and the communities we engage with. It can even help us grow healthier and stronger plants in our gardens. This workshop with Courtney Julia Sands taught us the advantages of biodynamic gardening and how to connect, live, and garden in alignment with the phases of the moon. We learned about the benefits of using the natural rhythm of Mother Nature and the ancient practices that have benefited mankind and food production for centuries. Click here for detailed information on moon cycles and gardening.