West Milford Farmers Market September Update

Is it the end of summer already!?  

Not really, but it sure feels like it. As everyone is in the back-to-school flurry, don’t forget that the farmers market has a lot of what you need to keep you going after the kids go back. As the days begin to grow perceptibly shorter, we're excited and grateful for the seven weeks of Market still remaining, and the abundance of fresh, local produce still available.  

From mid- to late-summer favorites like peppers, tomatoes and corn, and even the start of some early winter squashes, our booths are full with all of the season’s flavors. But don’t forget about our handmade cheeses, pasture-raised meat and dairy, prepared foods, pickles and condiments, handmade products like body care and jewelry, and even locally brewed beer.  

We always get excited when our vendors use seasonal flavors in their prepared foods too… and expect to see a lot of it now that summer’s shown us her bounty. That includes empanadas, flatbreads, sweets and even seasonal ice creams. Try Muino Baked Goods for your party sweets, or Jessica's Treasures and Treats for something unique. 

We will keep selling all this fresh produce as it keeps producing, all the way through October, so stop by this Wednesday, and every Wednesday for the next two months to stay stocked up with all your local favorites.

Ample Harvest and the WMFM

With so much growing, we have been receiving many generous donations from our vendors and community gardeners for local food pantries throughout West Milford. We work together with Ample Harvest and other organizations in the area to ensure that we get donations of fresh food to our community members in need. 

Food insecurity is a growing concern, and one that is often hidden in plain sight. Please consider supporting those in our local community who are struggling to make ends meet by visiting the market welcome booth with a food or monetary donation that will directly help reduce food insecurity and improve healthy outcomes for our neighbors and friends. If you can’t donate food or dollars, but you can donate your time, please consider volunteering for our local Ample Harvest program.

The West Milford Farmers Market is looking for a few people interested in volunteering a few hours to greet as they come to market. This is a great opportunity for teens or adults to get service hours! Stop by the Market tent to learn more.

Thank you for your support

We know that Farmers Markets are a 'green' economic accelerator for the health of our local economy and we thank you deeply for your support. Stay tuned for some exciting harvest-themed Kids Korner crafts and be sure to talk to your favorite vendors on how you can keep purchasing during the off-season! 

To get a full list of our vendors, sign up or our website, or learn more about what’s at market each week, visit www.westmilfordfarmersmarket.com

Discover our Vendors: 

Pickle Licious

Empanada Lady

Hope Cress Farms

Orlando's Bakery

The Cheese Guy

Rosie's Market

Muino Bakery

Clyde's Ices & Ice Cream Co

The Gritty Sisters Soapery

Meet our Musicians: 

Marty Koppel 

Bob Nicholson

Peter Sando

Marji Zintz ,

DnA (with Dani Zanoni)

We continue to spotlight our vendors and musicians with new posts each week. To learn more about our vendors and what’s at market each week, visit www.westmilfordfarmersmarket.com and sign up for our weekly newsletter.

We hope to see you at market this Wednesday from 3-7 p.m., and each week through October at the West Milford Presbyterian Church.