Ample Harvest West Milford reached several new milestones this year with more than 50% of gardeners at Apple Acres sharing their produce in the weekly harvests. Some produce harvested included sweet small strawberries, literal buckets of beans and tomatoes, leafy greens, and the ever faithful zucchini.
Our second year at Wallisch Homestead resulted in a great variety and volume of donated produce. Some highlights at Wallisch included large leafy swiss chard, petite eggplants, tomatoes and piles of cucumber.
Finally, our presence at the West Milford Farmers Market brought in over $200, which we used to purchase fresh produce.
We’d also like to thank Courtney. Her outreach generated fresh egg donation through the Ample Harvest program for the first time this year
Some Stats from 2024:
Apple Acres yielded 262 pounds with 15 plots participating
Wallisch Homestead yielded 180 pounds with 6 plots participating
$272 cash donations used to purchase 129 pounds at West Milford Farmer’s Market
24 pounds dropped off at Farmer’s Market for donation
16 pounds fresh eggs sourced from Courtney’s outreach
AND …. Jim’s potatoes are yet to be harvested
It Takes A Village
Behind the numbers are people helping their fellow neighbors.
Many, many thanks to:
Barbara & Midsummer Farms for the donation of plants for the Ample Harvest plots.
Our community gardeners for sharing your produce: Anne, Peggy, Jane, Sue L, Gail, Patrick, Tim, Dawn, Norma&Karl, Deb, Sue F, Steve, Gary, Mike, Courtney, Olive, Jim, Clara, Jessica.
Courtney, Jim and Jessica for maintaining the Wallisch Ample Harvest plot, and Courtney for your outreach and hosting the weekly donation at the West Milford Farmer’s Market.
We would also like to thank Jim & Jessica for assisting, as well as Anne Thornton and Friends of Wallisch for sharing the gift of land.
WM Presbyterian Pantry
Collecting Donations at the WMFM
Happy Pantry Managers