Ample Harvest Keeps Giving this August

Two community gardens (Apple Acres, and Wallisch Homestead)  with two dedicated plots and seven gardeners sharing their yield, plus the support of one farmers market add up to a lot of support for our community!  

And we keep counting: 

Three separate harvests this week alone supported three different food pantries: Queen of Peace, WM Presbyterian, and SOS.

Many thanks to the individual gardener who donated 24 lbs of cucumbers.

That all adds up to 80+ pounds of fresh organic food for our neighbors in need.

Our gardeners and volunteers helping Ample Harvest West Milford make a positive difference. Thanks to Sue, Peggy, Anne, Gail, Courtney, Jim, Olive and Cathy for sharing your garden's wealth. Thanks to Courtney, Jim and Jessica for minding the Ample Harvest plot at Wallisch and the Donation Station at the Farmer's Market.

The season is beautiful and bountiful!