Culinary Herb Garden

This year Nature Connection of West Milford is piloting a culinary and medicinal herb garden at the Wallisch Homestead. Our goal is to grow, harvest and deliver enough fresh organic herbs to support a few of our local restaurants in town. Later in the season, we hope to provide those same herbs in a dried form for both culinary and medicinal uses.

Last season, we had a chance to build a dedicated culinary herb plot at Wallisch. Thanks to the helpful hands of a few volunteers, we tested the concept and learned which herbs grow best in the plot. Organic oregano, a variety of peppermint, parsley, basil, cilantro and more were successful. 

Despite a late start, we were able to provide fresh herbs to the Vreeland Store for four weeks last year. Owner, Fran Lanza, was excited to partner with Wallisch and the Organic Community Gardens and to have her chef include the herbs in a variety of recipes. We also donated 50+ jars of dried herbs with culinary and medicinal recipes to community members and local food pantries for the holidays. From peppermint tea to oregano oil, there are so many fun uses for our taste buds and our health!

At the end of the 2024 season, we plan to sell jars of dried herbs and accompanying recipes from local cooks and herbalists. Look for us at our winter market and other holiday events. 

This season, we have a small group of dedicated volunteers to help us expand and prove the project can sustain the need, and how to best benefit local restaurants and residents. We are looking for a leader to work on this exciting project in this magical place. Are you the one we’ve been waiting for? 

Email Cathy at to learn more.